
note: this license was made for the memes, idk what license to use yet
second note: this file is slightly modified from the original gist — it has been wrapped to 72 chars. the original file is available at /work/untether_bugs/untether.txt
third note: consider the license to be MIT. (written sep 19th, 2023)


i'll do a better release tomorrow or something, but to keep my promise,
here's a gist

platform-application bypass,
/usr/bin/fileproviderctl is a binary with a purpose i'm not sure of,
however, it executes /usr/local/bin/fileproviderctl_internal when run
make /usr/local/bin/fileproviderctl_internal a symlink to your code to
execute, and replace a daemon with /usr/bin/fileproviderctl

recommended to use wifiFirmwareLoader, and SUID fileproviderctl with
mobile:mobile (if it runs as root containermanagerd has a seizure)

boom, BFU code exec on >11.xish -> 14.xish

platform-application bypass,
custom filesystem
directory structure:
/System/Library/Filesystems/hax.fs/Contents/Resources/mount_hax \
  -> symlink to your haxxx

cp -p /sbin/mount to /usr/local/bin/scripter (bypass some sandbox stuff)
replace a daemon with an executable containing this:
#!/usr/local/bin/scripter -t hax fake 

the last argument is automatically filled in with the executable path,
so mount finds an existing path, and attempts to mount "fake" (taken as
/fake as it runs in /) on that path, with the filesystem hax, which
executes our code. replace a daemon like wifiFirmwareLoaderLegacy

either do the same SUID trick, for untethered, sandboxed code exec as
mobile (tired)

or use psychicpaper and get untethered, unsandboxed code exec as root

boom, BFU code exec on 9.xish -> 12.xish

in both cases, code has to be properly signed and installed.
as an example, make an Xcode project, and replace the main function with
your code.

sign, and install properly, as an application. 

if this doesn't work for you, it can be a bit of a bitch to get working
sometimes, there can be some quirks.

This software is licensed under the "Anyone But Some Assholes"
(ABSA) license, described below. No other licenses may apply.

The "Anyone But Some Assholes" license

Do anything you want with this program, with the exceptions listed
below under "EXCEPTIONS".

In the unlikely event that you happen to make a zillion bucks off of
this, then good for you; consider buying some hookers, cocaine, 
hookers and cocaine, weed, hookers and weed, hookers; cocaine; and 
weed, weed and cocaine, etc.


Any distributions of this program, and source code, must be licensed 
under this same license, and source code must be provided, either 
alongside of the program, or with a URL where the code is accessible. 

Moderators, Owners, or anyone capable of moderating either the 
"r/jailbreak" Discord server, "Sileo" Discord server, or both Discord 
servers may not make use of or redistribute this program or any of 
its derivatives.

iMuseum, or whatever that cocksucker goes by now, can both go fuck 
himself, and may not make use of or redistribute this program or 
any of its derivatives.

An exception is made to the Discord server rule for any members of 
the checkra1n team, or anyone who is credited alongside checkra1n.

Those people include:
argp, axi0mx, danyl931, jaywalker, kirb, littlelailo, nitoTV, 
never_released, nullpixel, pimskeks, qwertyoruiop, sbingner, siguza,
haifisch, ihackbanme, jndok, jonseals, xerub, lilstevie, psychotea, 
sferrini, Cellebrite (ih8sn0w, cjori, ronyrus et al.)

Another exception is made to the Discord server rule for any members of 
the unc0ver team, or anyone who is credited alongside unc0ver.

Those people include:
pwn20wnd, sbingner, siguza, Jake James, himynameisubik, ios_app_devex,
pattern-f, Brandon Azad, Ned Williamson

Another exception is made to the Discord server rule for any members of 
the Manticore team, or anyone who is credited alongside Manticore.

Those people include:
@rpwnage, @pwnedc99, @fugiefire, @FCE365 / GeoSn0w

Besides the previous exceptions, @nonce#1119 (currently) on Discord
may not make use of or redistribute this program or any of 
its derivatives.

Also, by using this program you agree that you will worship our lord
and saviour spv, and failure to do so may result in anything from 
broken kneecaps, to death.

An amendment to the license is given to @cameren#0420 on Discord,
who is both a complete cunt, and may not make use of or 
redistribute this program or any of its derivatives, and this will 
not be removed depending on his moderator status. 

An amendment to this license is also made permitting the use of this 
software by tihmstar, regardless of moderator status.